Part 18: - Week 10 and 11
Week 10 and 11Yup. This is a thing that happened.

Florida: III
Ohio: I
Virginia: I
Build: IIII
Demolish: I
Also TV ad?: III
Fighting ISIS: IIIII

First, we go to Florida...

...and upgrade our HQ. Simple enough. But now, we have a problem. According to the plan, I should be putting down a TV ad. The issue here is that we don't have enough money for that. A TV ad costs 450K, and we only have 275K. So again, I need to make a judgement call, and in this case...

I decide on two attack ground game ads in Florida, on the issue you wanted and the top issue in the state. We need even more money if we want TV ads. That's it for this turn, let's see what the next one brings.

Michelle goes to North Carolina and puts down an Outreach Center, then goes to South Dakota and puts down a TV ad over her supporting Reducing Wealth Gap. She's really big on that issue. Of course, I have to go for the political opportunity.

FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. This is one of the two worst possible events you can get. The time waster wastes your entire turn, and there's a lawsuit event that can cost you over a million bucks in cash. So, uh, that's it for that turn, let's move on to the next one, then...

This turn, Michelle goes to California and upgrades her Outreach Center to level 3 (also netting her a Political Operative in the state), and she picks up the National Civil Liberties endorsement, getting her boosts in #BlackLivesMatter and Supporting Gay Marriage.

Here's another look at the polls. Unsurprisingly, we've cratered.
Well, this is bad. Our awareness edge in California is melting away really fast, and I don't think my potential plan for saving it can even work at this point without major committment. We need money, we need ads, we need buildings, we need fucking everything, and I don't know how we'd get it. I guess I'll go over it more in the Week 12 update, but damn, this is getting worse by the week.